


免疫性血小板減少症(Immune Thrombocytopenia,簡稱ITP)已被報告為與COVID-19相關的一個重要併發症。本篇文章將介紹一名49歲的男性患者,患有系統性紅斑狼瘡、紅斑狼瘡腎炎、抗磷脂症綜合症以及曾經患有ITP的病史,他在COVID-19情境下發生了ITP的惡化。值得注意的是,他並未出現出血症狀,且對prednisone治療有良好反應。我們將對迄今為止文獻中報告的案例特點進行回顧,並對包括57名患者在內的案例進行分析。平均年齡為56歲(±19.6標準差),其中50.9%為男性。在大多數患者中(86.05%),這是首次出現ITP的發作,而SARS-CoV-2作為初始誘因。我們發現,ITP的惡化可能出現在輕度和嚴重的COVID-19病例中,並且可能在疾病過程的任何時候出現,有48.2%的患者在住院期間出現,而其餘的病例在入院時被診斷出來。血小板計數顯著低於其他ITP系列,中位數最低血小板計數為8 × 109/L(四分位數範圍為2-17.75 × 109/L)。這些患者顯示出較高的出血率(61.4%),與其他ITP系列相比。他們對治療也表現出良好反應,76.9%的患者對一線治療有良好反應。最常見的一線治療是靜脈免疫球蛋白(IVIG),分別在40.4%和32.7%的病例中單獨使用或與皮質類固醇結合使用,而有25%的患者僅接受皮質類固醇治療。














Alonso-Beato R, Morales-Ortega A, De la Hera Fernández FJ, Parejo Morón AI, Ríos-Fernández R, Callejas Rubio JL, Ortego Centeno N. Immune thrombocytopenia and COVID-19: Case report and review of literature. Lupus. 2021 Aug;30(9):1515-1521. doi: 10.1177/09612033211021161. Epub 2021 May 30. PMID: 34053365. 查看詳細文章







研究識別出11名(佔總數的0.34%)COVID-19誘發的ITP患者。其中63.6%為男性,年齡的中位數為63歲。從COVID-19診斷到ITP發作的中位數時間為10天。63.6%的患者出現了出血症狀,但只有一名患者需要輸血,其出血被評估為具有臨床意義的出血(WHO 3級)。大多數病例對皮質類固醇和靜脈免疫球蛋白(IVIG)的標準治療表現出良好的反應,所有患者中有45.5%達到完全反應,27.3%達到治療反應。ITP康復的中位數時間為4天。三名出現復發的患者接受了Eltrombopag治療。四名患者需要機械通氣,但由於低氧性呼吸衰竭未能生存。



關鍵詞: 免疫性血小板減少症;靜脈免疫球蛋白。


Kewan T, Gunaratne TN, Mushtaq K, Alayan D, Daw H, Haddad A. Outcomes and management of immune thrombocytopenia secondary to COVID-19: Cleveland clinic experience. Transfusion. 2021 Jul;61(7):2014-2018. doi: 10.1111/trf.16368. Epub 2021 Mar 16. PMID: 33724474 PMCID: PMC8250532. 查看詳細文章


. 2021 Jul;61(7):2014-2018. doi: 10.1111/trf.16368. Epub 2021 Mar 16.

Outcomes and management of immune thrombocytopenia secondary to COVID-19: Cleveland clinic experience

Tariq Kewan 1, Tarini N Gunaratne 1, Komal Mushtaq 1, Dina Alayan 1, Hamed Daw 2, Abdo Haddad 2

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Background: Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an acquired disease characterized by thrombocytopenia secondary to autoantibodies against platelets. Here, we report the clinical characteristics of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-induced ITP cases.

Study design and methods: We retrospectively reviewed 3255 COVID-19 patients. COVID-19-induced ITP was diagnosed after excluding possible common causes. Bleeding severity was assessed based on the modified World Health Organization (WHO) bleeding severity score.

Results: We identified 11 (0.34%) patients with COVID-19-induced ITP. Of all patients, 63.6% were males and the median age was 63 years. The median time from COVID-19 diagnosis to the onset of ITP was 10 days. Bleeding observed in 63.6% of the patients. Clinically significant bleeding (WHO Grade 3) occurred in single patient who required blood transfusion. Standard treatment with glucocorticoids and intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) was effective in achieving excellent response in most cases. Of all patients, complete response and response to treatment were achieved in 45.5% and 27.3% patients, respectively. The median time to ITP recovery was 4 days. Eltrombopag was used in three patients who relapsed. Four patients required mechanical ventilation, and none of them survived secondary to hypoxic respiratory failure.

Conclusion: ITP secondary to COVID-19 usually presents after the first week of symptoms beginning. Most of our patients had WHO Grade 1-2 bleeding scores. Standard treatment with glucocorticoids and IVIG is effective in achieving an excellent response. The safety of eltrombopag is not very well established in COVID-19 patients, and additional studies are needed for a better safety profile.

Keywords: immune thrombocytopenia; intravenous immunoglobulin.

© 2021 AABB.



免疫性血小板減少症(ITP)是一種常見的兒童急性自體免疫性出血疾病,由多種病毒引起,以孤立性血小板減少為特徵。雖然已有成年患者報告了由冠狀病毒疾病2019(COVID-19)感染引起的ITP病例,但兒科報告相對有限。在這篇文章中,我們將介紹一名1歲女童的病例,她發展出了與COVID-19感染相關的ITP,伴有極低的血小板計數(0.0 × 10^4/μL)。同時,我們還進行了COVID-19相關的兒科ITP病例的搜尋,發現了另外10例病例,大多數患者的血小板計數都低於1.0 × 10^4/μL。盡管COVID-19感染引起的兒科ITP病例可能嚴重,但我們仍需要進一步的研究。


這位1歲女童的病例表現出了極度低的血小板計數,為0.0 × 10^4/μL,並且被診斷為COVID-19感染相關的ITP。這顯示即使在幼兒中,COVID-19也可能導致ITP的發展。對於兒科ITP病例,特別是在COVID-19情境下,應格外謹慎,並提高警覺性。


我們進行了COVID-19相關的兒科ITP病例的搜尋,找到了10例其他病例。這些病例中,大多數患者的血小板計數都低於1.0 × 10^4/μL,表明COVID-19感染對兒童ITP的影響可能相當嚴重。然而,由於樣本數有限,我們需要進一步的研究來更全面地了解這一現象。



關鍵詞: 兒童;冠狀病毒疾病2019(COVID-19);免疫性血小板減少症(ITP)。


Anzai T, Nakashima N, Betsui H, Kawahara Y, Hayashi Y, Kimura H, Shimada A. Infant case of severe immune thrombocytopenia caused by COVID-19 infection. eJHaem. 2023 Oct 5;4(4):1148-1151. doi: 10.1002/jha2.811. Epub 2023 Nov. PMID: 38024599 PMCID: PMC10660122. 查看詳細文章


. 2023 Oct 5;4(4):1148-1151. doi: 10.1002/jha2.811. eCollection 2023 Nov.

Infant case of severe immune thrombocytopenia caused by COVID-19 infection

Tatsuya Anzai 1 2, Naomi Nakashima 2, Hiroyuki Betsui 1, Yuta Kawahara 1, Yuriko Hayashi 3, Hirokazu Kimura 3, Akira Shimada 1

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Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is a common childhood acute autoimmune bleeding disorder caused by numerous viruses and characterized by isolated thrombocytopenia. Although cases of ITP caused by coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection have been reported in adults, pediatric reports are limited. We present the case of a 1-year-old girl who developed COVID-19-infection-related ITP with a very low platelet count (0.0 × 104/μL). We searched for COVID-19-related pediatric ITP cases and found 10 other cases, with the majority having platelet counts of <1.0 × 104/μL. Although pediatric ITP cases caused by COVID-19 infection may be severe, further studies are needed.

Keywords: child; coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19); immune thrombocytopenia (ITP).

© 2023 The Authors. eJHaem published by British Society for Haematology and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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所有急性iTTP患者在入院時的血漿中S100A8/A9(中位數84.8,四分位數間距[IQR] 31.2-157.4 µg/mL)、組蛋白/DNA複合物(中位數55.7,IQR 35.8-130.8 U/mL)、CitH3(中位數3.8,IQR 2.2-6.4 ng/mL)和cfDNA(中位數937.7,IQR 781.3-1420.0 ng/mL)的水平均明顯升高,與健康對照組相比。提高的S100A8/A9、組蛋白/DNA複合物和cfDNA的血漿水平與iTTP中的器官損害、凝血異常和死亡有關。在校正年齡和高血壓病史後,Cox比例風險回歸分析顯示,對於升高的S100A8/A9、組蛋白/DNA複合物和cfDNA的血漿水平,其危險比(95%可信區間)分別為11.5(1.4-90.9)(P = .021)、10.3(2.7-38.5)(P = .001)和12.8(3.9-42.0)(P = .014)。



J Thromb Haemost

. 2021 Feb;19(2):370-379. doi: 10.1111/jth.15176. Epub 2021 Jan 3.

Plasma levels of S100A8/A9, histone/DNA complexes, and cell-free DNA predict adverse outcomes of immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura

Jingrui Sui 1, Ruinan Lu 1 2, Konstantine Halkidis 1 3, Nicole K Kocher 1, Wenjing Cao 1 2, Marisa B Marques 1, X Long Zheng 1 2

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Background: Immune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (iTTP) is a life-threatening blood disorder, primarily resulting from autoantibodies against ADAMTS13. Infection or inflammation often precedes acute iTTP. However, the association of inflammation and inflammatory mediators with disease severity and outcome of acute iTTP is not fully assessed.

Objectives: Here, we determined plasma levels of S100A8/A9, histone/DNA complexes, citrullinated histone H3 (CitH3), and cell-free DNA (cfDNA) in a cohort of 108 acute episodes from 94 unique iTTP patients and healthy controls, and assessed the association of each of these biomarkers with the disease severity and mortality.

Results: All acute iTTP patients had significantly increased plasma levels of S100A8/A9 (median 84.8, interquartile range [IQR] 31.2-157.4 µg/mL), histone/DNA complexes (median 55.7, IQR 35.8-130.8 U/mL), CitH3 (median 3.8, IQR 2.2-6.4 ng/mL), and cfDNA (median 937.7, IQR 781.3-1420.0 ng/mL) on the admission blood samples when compared with healthy controls. An increased plasma level of S100A8/A9, histone/DNA complex and cfDNA was associated with organ damage, coagulopathy, and mortality in iTTP. After being adjusted for age and history of hypertension, Cox proportional hazard regression analysis demonstrated that a hazard ratio (95% confidence interval) for an elevated plasma level of S100A8/A9, histone/DNA complexes, and cfDNA was 11.5 (1.4-90.9) (P = .021), 10.3 (2.7-38.5) (P = .001), and 12.8 (3.9-42.0) (P = .014), respectively.

Conclusion: These results indicate that inflammation or plasma inflammatory mediators such as S100A8/A9 or NETosis markers such as histone/DNA complexes and cfDNA may play a role in pathogenesis of iTTP, which may help stratify patients with a high risk of death during acute iTTP episodes.